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Ariel Kaplan

Instructor, Australia

Born in South Africa but a Melbourne girl through and through, I spent the majority of my younger life on the stage or screen. As I grew up and fell in love with being active, I very quickly learned that by combining my two biggest loves of performing & fitness, I was living the ultimate dream!
During the 4 years I was filming ‘Neighbours’, I decided to take the leap and completed my Cert 3 & 4 in fitness and well…the rest is history! I have since worked at studios all over Australia in various modalities. 8 years later, I couldn’t be more passionate about what I do and was honoured to be voted ClassPass Instructor of the year 2021 & 2022. 
I have been an obsessive Barry’s fanatic for years, between my time spent living in London, New York, LA and now of course Melbourne - I have got to experience the incredible workout and endorphin rush that Barry’s provides worldwide. That dark room, the red lights and pop bangers blaring on the speakers is quite literally my version of heaven! Nicknamed as the resident ‘pocket-rocket’, I guarantee to always give 100% in every single session and I thrive off bringing out the same energy from everyone in the red room. 

Favourite musician?
It’s Beyonce, Rihanna, Ariana & T. Swift on repeat. Don’t you dare make me pick one.
Favourite day at Barry’s?
Chest, Back and Abs. Perhaps controversial choice not picking booty, but I love me some push ups.
Guilty pleasure?
If I could just live on bread for the rest of my life, I’d be so happy. Carbs are life.